Thursday, April 5, 2012

4 April | p.m

Should a Christian contend, 'How can I deem the Qur’án a testimony while I am unable to understand it?' such a contention would not be acceptable. Likewise the people of the Qur’án disdainfully observe, 'We are unable to comprehend the eloquence of the verses in the Bayán, how can we regard it as a testimony?' Whoever uttereth such words, say unto him, 'O thou untutored one! By what proof hast thou embraced the Religion of Islam? Is it the Prophet on whom thou hast never set eyes? Is it the miracles which thou hast never witnessed? If thou hast accepted Islam unwittingly, wherefore hast thou done so? But if thou hast embraced the Faith by recognizing the Qur’án as the testimony, because thou hast heard the learned and the faithful express their powerlessness before it, or if thou hast, upon hearing the divine verses and by virtue of thy spontaneous love for the True Word of God, responded in a spirit of utter humility and lowliness - a spirit which is one of the mightiest signs of true love and understanding - then such proofs have been and will ever be regarded as sound.'
- The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb, p. 120

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